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Monday, March 2, 2009

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

Happy March and welcome to my blog! Spring is almost here and what a better time to break free from unhealthy fears and anxieties. This week's subject will be on EFT. What is it? Let's find out!

EFT was founded by Gary Craig. The idea behind EFT is that all negative emotions are caused by an energetic imbalance. It is thought that while tapping certain “meridians” on the body and actively thinking about an ailment one can reset an energetic imbalance within the body.

Gary’s EFT dream sprung from the pioneer of TFT (Thought Field Therapy or Callahan Techniques®). Dr Roger Callahan, a clinical psychologist and graduate from University of Michigan, pioneered TFT, or the so called energetic imbalance and tapping movement. Practitioners of all kinds have dubbed EFT and TFT alike as a thorough, powerful, and effective tool in managing or completely eliminating fears, anxieties, pain, grief, cravings, addictions, and much more.

Gary Craig offers a free downloadable manual on his website. If you can read…you should be able to master the Basic Recipe and be on your way to tapping away your fears and anxieties away! So start tapping! EFT is non-invasive and takes only minutes or seconds to perform and is worth a try!

I have personally benefited from applying EFT tapping techniques and will continue educating myself in this area of alternative health. After all, I am always searching for Alternative Health Solutions!

Please check out the websites listed below for more information.

This is Amanda Costello, CPhT, encouraging you to Live Well...Naturally!


  1. The tapping therapy your post refers to reminds me of the very effective reflexology and 'tapotament' techniques utilized in massage therapy. It makes sense that assisting the movement of chi through the meridian energy fields would be effective is realigning misaligned energy.
    It is those nasty misalignments of energy flow that can cause all of the discomfort associated with the disorders mentioned in your article.
    Nicely done!

  2. I like your article so I gave it some space on my blog.
    Alternative & Allopathic
