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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Alternative Health Solutions (AHS) has moved to Southern California. Our office will be open the week of August 16th! Our new phone is (951) 296-5624. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any of your health & wellness needs.

We are excited to offer face to face Skype consults to those who want a more personable appointment.

Thank you for your business and support! We look forward to a continued wellness relationship!

Live Well...Naturally!

Amanda Costello, CPhT
Your Holistic Health Practitioner

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

AHS is Moving to Southern California


Alternative Health Solutions (AHS) is moving to Southern California. Our office will be closed beginning June 14th with plans to re-open August 14th! Thank you for your business and support! It has been a pleasure working with you and we look forward to continue offering our services in Southern California. We will be able to maintain contact with you via phone, email, and face to face consults via Skype.

We are very excited about this move and feel it will be an amazing opportunity to expand AHS! California is definitely all aboard when it comes to natural approaches to wellness. Our website address and email will remain the same. Therefore, if you have any questions/concerns please contact us via email.

Thank you once again for all your support. Have a great summer and remember to Live Well...Naturally!

This is Amanda Costello, CPhT, encouraging you Live Well...Naturally!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010



Alternative Health Solutions has invested in a Bio-energetic Testing System and will be offering free Parasite/Pathogen scan to its clients for a limited amount of time. There is no catch or obligation. We simply want to provide this service for FREE to become very adept with running the equipment. The process will involve scanning for common parasites and pathogens.

What does the scan involve?
It involves sitting comfortably for 20-30 minutes. That is it!

What happens if parasite frequencies or pathogens are noted?
We determine based on your symptoms (if any) whether to schedule Bio-Energetic Sessions to eradicate the frequencies or AHS can make other recommendations.

Please call (269) 629-0083 or email today to schedule your FREE pathogen/parasite Scan.

I look forward to working with you.

This is Amanda Costello, CPhT., encouraging you to Live Well...Naturally!

Due to FDA regulations and various state laws, no medical claims can be made for this device. All of the information expressed must be considered theoretical and unproven and for experimental research only.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hi there!

Just wanted you to know I will be working with a new vitamin and supplement line called Premier Research Labs! They are just what I was looking for and more.

This company is famous for being excipient-free. This means that there are absolutely no additives, toxins, fillers, or unnecessary ingredients in them! This is exceptional because many vitamins don't work for that very reason.

In my 12 plus years working in the health industry I have never found a company such as this. What is even more exciting is that their prices are highly comparable.

Please contact me if you would like to review a product catalog or place an order. All new clients will receive a 10% off retail.

This is Amanda Costello, CPhT, encouraging you to Live Well...Naturally! a health consultation please call 269.629.0083 or email

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thyroid Health

Symptoms of an under active thyroid (Hypothyroid)
Weight Gain (or inability to loss weight)
Low body temperature (cold intolerance)
Dry skin & hair (hair loss)

Symptoms of an overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroidism)
Fast heart rate
Heat intolerance (feeling hot)
Trembling & nervousness
Frequent bowel movements
Weight Loss

The thyroid gland regulates our metabolism and temperature (among other things). Hence, when it is under active we are fatigued, have low body temperature, and tend to gain weight. When it is overactive our heart races, we become heat intolerant, and have significant weight loss. In order to properly maintain thyroid health we need to make certain we are receiving proper amounts of minerals, especially iodine.

Iodine is readily found in iodized salt, natural sea salt, and in seaweed/kelp products. Iodine is also found in many vegetables if the soil has proper amounts of iodine in it (near an ocean). Most hypothyroidism is found in areas where there is only fresh water since iodine comes from the ocean. Hence, Michigan, being surrounded by fresh water, is one of the leading states for hypothyroidism (considered the Goiter Belt). It is very important to have proper amounts of iodine in our diet for our bodies make its own thyroid hormones.

There are recommended Iodine Supplements and Thyroid Supplements (combinations of herbs, minerals, and/or glandulars) which promote thyroid health available at your local health food store; however, I do not recommend anyone taking iodine or thyroid products without first speaking with their health care provider.

I recommend two easy to read books written by Dr. David Brownstein: “Salt Your Way to Health” and “Iodine, Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It.” If you have thyroid concerns these are excellent resources.

Last, but not least stress plays a significant role in a properly functioning thyroid. We all need to "take a moment" (thanks to my dear friend Patty) every day and relax. Even 5 minutes of deep breathing and stretching can impact your body significantly. Try to make it a point to laugh everyday...this is also a good stress relief.

This is Amanda Costello, CPhT, encouraging you to Live Well...Naturally!
For a health consultation please call 269.629.0083 or email